King Edward VI College
King Ed's has a fantastic reputation for academic excellence, however needed to shake-off an outdated perception of being an elitist college.
We worked with the college through a series of focus groups and workshops to understand the true identity of the college, its students and how it should be portrayed.
Our design is very student-focused and aims to demonstrate the liveliness and diverse environment which makes King Ed's a great place to learn.

We streamlined the navigation to a small set of options, really focusing the user on where to go next. We wanted to remind people about the core values of why King Ed's is a great college, yet demonstrate the diversity of students and environment.

Student created content was important and we have included places for a student blog and videos where students put across their own points of view.
The website seamlessly integrates with the college's own systems for online applications. Users can add courses to their 'My courses' area, much like a shopping basket, then proceed to apply online.

What we did
- User experience
- User interface design
- Wireframing
- Usability testing
- Information architecture
- Visual design
- Responsive design
- Website development
- Content Management Systems